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  • Tatsusawa Fudo Falls
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  • Dynamic Odaki Falls
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  • Bonari Pass battlefield monument
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  • Healing trail
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  • Visitors absorbing negative ions
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  • Medaki Falls
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  • Hot spring water passing through wooden waterways
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Tatsusawa Fudotaki Recreation Forest


Elevation Lowest : 820m / Average : 840–880m / Highest : 940m

Tatsusawa Fudo Falls ― A sacred spot in which a scenic gorge and waterfalls contrast beautifully with the forest

Tatsusawa Fudo Falls ― A sacred spot in which a scenic gorge and waterfalls contrast beautifully with the forest

Newest information
Gathering information in advance is important to safely enjoy forest recreation that brings you closer to nature.
When you go out, please check local tourist and related information and gather information on road closures, weather conditions, etc.
Autumn leaf viewing (Yamamomiji (Acer palmatum var.matsumurae), Tochinoki (Japanese horse chestnut (Aesculus turbinata Blume)), etc.) (Includes surrounding area) Waterfall viewing (Includes surrounding area) : Shiraito Falls Birdwatching (Includes surrounding area) Numajiri Hot Spring / Nakanosawa Hot Spring (Outside the forest) Numajiri Ski Area (no. of trails: 12) (Outside the forest) Shrine / Temple visit (Outside the forest)
Geographical/topographical features
The Tatsusawa Fudo Falls are on the Fudo River that originates on Mt. Funamyojin in the Adatara mountain range. They consist of the dynamic "male" Odaki Falls, which fall off a black monolith in a single 10 m high and 16 m wide cataract, and the graceful "female" Medaki Falls, nestled quietly on the immediately downstream side of the Odaki Falls. You can view these contrasting waterfalls from an observation deck along the river and also walk down to the riverbank and approach the edge of the waterfall by hopping on stones. The waterfalls are surrounded by a virgin forest. The almost flat path follows the Fudo River from the parking lot and reaches the Fudo Falls in about 10 minutes.
Historical/cultural features
The Tatsusawa area of Inawashiro Town where the Tatsusawa Fudo Falls are located is at the southwestern base of Mt. Adatara, which became famous after being featured in a book of poetry by Kotaro Takamura entitled Chiekosho (The Chieko Poems). The forest surrounding the Tatsusawa Fudo Falls has been protected since ancient times as it forms part of the local village shrine, Oyamazumi Shrine. Even today, it remains a primeval forest in honor of the enshrined deity. The Tatsusawa Fudo Falls are said to have been an ascetic training ground in the past, where practitioners stood underneath the cold water to wash away impurities and pray to Shinto or Buddhist deities. A Buddhist deity, Fudo Myo-o (Acala), is enshrined here, and every year around April 19 on the old lunar calendar, the Tatsusawa area holds a Tatsusawa Fudo Myo-o Festival in which a "goma" (holy fire) ritual is carried out. The forest and the waterfalls must have been a perfect place for our ancestors to practice their spiritual beliefs.
As you enter the path from the parking lot, a narrow mountain trail about 1 m wide meets it from the slope on the right-hand side. This trail is called the "Boshin No Michi" (the Boshin trail). An important battle took place along this trail at the Bonari Pass during the conflict known as the Boshin War, which broke out during the tumultuous transition from the Edo period to the Meiji period in the latter half of the 19th century. The battle broke the strong defenses of the Aizu Domain, whose forces were allied with the former shogunate government. A great army from the western domains―the forces of the new Meiji government―launched an offensive into the Aizu territory along this trail. Two days later, the great army reached the castle town of Aizu, where a fierce battle was fought, leading to the famous tragedy of the Byakkotai (White Tiger Brigade), a group of young samurai who committed suicide when they mistakenly believed the castle to be ablaze. You can find this historic trail at the beginning of the path leading to the waterfalls.
Climate, flora and fauna
The Tatsusawa Fudo Falls and the Tatsusawa virgin forest have been selected for inclusion in the "Fukushima Midori No Hyakkei" (100 selected areas of scenic greenery in Fukushima). The Tatsusawa virgin forest consists mainly of Mizunara (Japanese oak mizu-nara (Quercus crispula Blume)) and contains a wide variety of plants. Large, old Sennoki (castor aralia (Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz.)), Shinanoki (Japanese lime tree (Tilia japonica)), Mizuki (giant dogwood (Cornus controversa Hemsl. ex Prain)), Itaya Kaede (Acer pictum Thunb. subsp. dissectum (Wesm.) H.Ohashi), Akamatsu (Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora)), and Tochinoki (Japanese horse chestnut (Aesculus turbinata Blume)) trees remain, giving the forest a natural form. It is very rare to be able to see a virgin forest near a village, so the forest also has a great scientific value.
The Tatsusawa Fudo Falls are one of Fukushima Prefecture’s most famous locations. They have been listed in the "Inawashiro Shin Hyakkei" (100 selected new scenic locations in Inawashiro) as well as the "Fukushima No Mizu Sanjussen" (30 selected water spots in Fukushima). Their graceful beauty has made them very popular among waterfall enthusiasts around Japan and they have often been used as locations in many TV programs and movies.
The leaves of the maple (Acer) branches that overhang the Odaki Falls make a particularly breathtaking contrast to the waterfalls in the spring and autumn, when they attract large numbers of tourists and photographers. Meanwhile, in the winter, the partially frozen waterfalls and the splashing of water onto the blocks of ice beneath them is gaining popularity. However, as access to the Tatsusawa area by car is limited in the winter due to accumulated snow, visitors need to walk quite a long distance along a snowy path to reach the falls.
Some also believe the falls to have spiritual power due to the enshrinement of Fudo Myo-o.
Numajiri Hot Spring and Nakanosawa Hot Spring are nearby. Their source, Numajiri Motoyu, is Japan’s largest single-source hot spring (10,000 liters per minute). The spring gushes from the western side of Mt. Adatara’s Numanodaira Crater into the Io River valley. Milky white hot water wells up from this source and runs into the Io River. Further downstream, the Shiraito Falls drop 150 m straight down from a cliff formed by lava. Tourists can enjoy a magnificent view from the observation platform, and the scenery becomes colorful and even more attractive in the autumn, when the leaves of the surrounding trees change color.
The road as far as the Tatsusawa area is paved. The parking lot and the road beyond the Tatsusawa area are gravel.
Latest Information
Warnings (Flora and fauna)
Asian black bear: Tsukinowaguma (Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus)) may be present during the period from May to November. When entering the forest, please carry a bear bell and stay in a group. Check for local information on bear sightings and warnings and follow instructions.
Ticks: Please note that ticks are present in bamboo grass areas. Wearing long sleeves and long trousers is essential.
Warnings (Dangerous areas)
Please be careful of falling rocks along the footpath from the parking lot to the Tatsusawa Fudo Falls.
Usage Guide
Entrance fee
Free of charge
Opening seasons and hours
Accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Accommodation options
Nakanosawa Hot Spring and Numajiri Hot Spring (about 10 Japanese inns and hotels)
Toilets and drinking fountains (1 location) Footpath / walking trail / nature trail (Includes surrounding area) Parking lot (1 location) (Includes surrounding area) Shop : Nakanosawa Hot Spring Resort (Outside the forest) Restaurant : Nakanosawa Hot Spring Resort (Outside the forest) Accommodation facilities (Hotels/Japanese inns) : Nakanosawa Hot Spring Resort (Outside the forest)
Kogai, Inawashiro Town, Fukushima Prefecture
(Distances and times are provided as a guide only)
By public transport
<Access from nearest railway station / bus stop>
  • Tatsusawa bus stop (Bandai Toto Bus) → (20 minutes on foot (1.7 km)) → Tatsusawa Fudotaki Recreation Forest
<Access from major transport hubs to nearest railway station / bus stop>
  • Tokyo Station → (Tohoku Shinkansen (change trains at Koriyama Station) → Banetsu West Line: 150 minutes) → Inawashiro Station → (Bandai Toto Bus: 40 minutes) → Tatsusawa bus stop
By car
  • Tokyo Station → (Tohoku Expressway (Koriyama IC): 180 minutes) → Ban-Etsu Expressway (Inawashiro-Bandaikogen IC) → (public road: 40 minutes) → Tatsusawa Fudotaki Recreation Forest
<Car parking capacity / parking charges>

Free parking for 30 vehicles

Nearby tourist facilities
  • Nakanosawa Hot Spring: 10 minutes by car
    Numajiri Ski Area: 15 minutes by car
Management office contact details
Aizu District Forest Office
Information on Other Local Tourist Attractions
Official Tourist Information
Inawashiro Tourism Association [External link]
Recreation Forest Management Committee

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