Chapter III Promotion of forest management and conservation to respond to various needs
1. Toward diverse and healthy forests
~ Forest management with an eye on the situation a century from now ~

(Development of diverse forests)
  The new gForests and Forestry Basic Planh (September 2006) clearly presents the policy to make continuous use of the multifunctional roles of old age class forests, which are expected to increase rapidly in future, while also developing diverse and healthy forests by promoting the formation of mixed forests and those of broad-leaf forests, and increasing the long-term rotation of forests, in order to respond to diversified public needs.

(Promotion of forestry operations such as thinning)
  Thinning is an important element to develop healthy forests, which are fully capable of multiple functions. Under the 3-year program on the promotion of thinning, the implementation of efficient thinning and the usage of thinned materials has been promoted since 2005.

  As the measures against Japanese Cedar pollinosis, which has become a social problem mainly in urban areas, it is important to plant Japanese Cedar which produces less pollen and to convert to forests with broad-leaf trees, as well as implementing effective measures to prevent the emergence of pollen, based on the results of research into pollen outbreak sources.

(Promotion of peoplefs participation in forest management)
  The forest management activities by volunteers cover diverse activities, including forest management in headwater areas by both upstream and downstream residents, forest management by fishermen, and the improvement of gsatoyamah, forests close to human habitation.

  In recent years, some Japanese private companies have implemented forest management and conservation projects as part of their gCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)h programs. It is important for various entities to participate in activities on forest management and conservation in ensure support for forests by all of society.

  Many local authorities have been implementing unique activities, such as introducing new taxes for forest management. By 2006, 16 prefectures had introduced a new tax system to improve forests and eight more prefectures are expected to launch such a system after 2007.