(Supporting forest management activities initiated by individuals and private companies)
  Midori no Bokin (Green Fund) is carried out based on the Green Fund Law established in 1995 after succeeding Midori no Hane Bokin. About 2.4 billion yen has been donated annually throughout the country in recent years, which is being used in forest management and greening activities. Moreover, forest management activities are carried out as corporate social responsibility programs at various places. There is a lot of interest from general consumers on the environmental conservation activities of corporate social responsibility programs, and contributions towards forest management are expected to continue to increase in the future.

(Learning about forests, forestry and wood)
  Nowadays it is difficult for us to keep close contact with forests, forestry and wood. In fact, there is a lack of awareness among young generations on the significance of experiencing nature and using wood. It is important to secure a place for providing forest environment education under such circumstances.
3. What each entity can do for forest management
For supporting forests by the whole public ‐
(Activities by local authorities)
  There have been many local authorities carrying out unique activities, i.e. managing watershed areas in cooperation with upstream and downstream areas, working as bridge between forest owners and private companies to provide a place for corporate forest management, and introducing new local taxes for forest management.
(What each entity can do now for management and conservation of forests)
  One thing we can do now is to use local woods. When private companies and end-consumers use local woods, forestry activities do circulate and the management and conservation of the forests would also be proceeded.
  Another thing we can do is to participate in forest management directly. We can directly manage forests that require care, and by participating and experiencing in forest management, our understanding towards forests and forestry would also be enhanced.
  Another way is to support the activities of forest management. Midori no Bokin is used for forest volunteer activities. Support from businesses is one of the actions that sustain the activities for management and conservation of the forests where the activities are becoming financially difficult.
  In order to promote steadily the management and conservation of our forests, it is important for those involved in forestry and wood industries, the consumers, businesses, and the public, in addition to the government and local authorities, to work together to implement what each entity of them can do now.