
1 Forestry-Related Fundamental IndicatorsForestry-Related Fundamental Indicators

Source: 1. Cabinet Office "SNA (System of National Accounts)"
2. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications "Labor Force Survey"
3. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries "World Census of Agriculture and Forestry"
4. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport "National Area Survey Based on Prefectures and Municipalities"
5., 6., 7. Forestry Agency
8. "Lumber Supply and Demand Chart"
9. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, "Statistics on Construction of new homes"
Note: 1) "Forest Owners" refers to the number of owners whose forest land area is 1ha or larger.
2) "Protection forest area" refers to the actual area measurement.
 (Actual area measurement: areas designated as more than one type of protection forest are counted only once.)
3) "Wood (industrial wood) Consumption" and "Wood (industrial wood) Imported" refer to the log-equivalent volume.